Sunday, December 30, 2012

There is much talk about gun control and there is always someone who says, "what good will that do, the bad guys will always know how to get them". Of course, there's some truth in that. But lets apply that same principle or way of thinking to politics. If our Nation is a recognized Democracy where the people govern, and some office holder decides to pass laws and policy that will benefit only one segment of the social or, lets say, will benefit corporations, which are artificial entities, what can we do? Of course, nothing until the next election comes along in four long years and that may be too late. By then, the 'evils' contemplated may have already congealed. Promises were made at election time but evidently were not kept. Can we say that every politician has democratic principles in mind when he suggests laws and policies? Very unlikely. So,there is as much need for controlling the bad guys with guns as there is in controlling the bad guys in politics that are interested in some form of preferential treatment that excludes democratic principles or excludes the people. How else can you explain the 1%? Do you dare say, as some people do, that they're actually very hard workers and that they are not lazy? Thats ridiculous! They will find a way to make money generate more money without any effort on their part other then knowing how to 'play' with economic principles. Of course, there's also talk about psychological studies of unsocial behavior,crimes of violence, etc. with respect to gun control. Without a doubt,we need those studies, but that does not exclude gun control nor controlling the availability of 'weapons of war'. Wow,that sound so much like "weapons of mass destruction". Well, looks like we need people who really know when and how to use a weapon for self-defense only and God only knows, we also need a real Statesman at the helm.

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