Saturday, December 29, 2012

The relation between the Top and the Bottom could function algorithmically. Policy and law at the Top must reach the real individuals at the Bottom in a real way and the best way to do that is algorithmically. Since the top is linguistic in nature, it must bridge the 'middle ground' to relate to the the proper real area at the Bottom. It must do so in a more 'mathmatical manner', which is less abstract and more realistic. The top may be linguistic and hence subject to manipulation as is apparent with the so-called "fiscal cliff", but since the bottom is number, policy and laws have to fit into the democratic equation to make it real. If all the data is collected, an algorithmic approach can apply to the particular logical class that is being controlled or governed. It may not be a panacea, but it makes the results a lot more controllable. Certainly, corporations are out of the picture as 'real' human beings. They're fictions and hence can be 'manipulated' or "involuntarilly dissolved". If they do not want to pay their fair share of taxes, why give them more economic advantages. The same approach would seem to apply to the gun issue. Certainly every homeowner should have a means to protect his home,but s/he doesn't need an arsenal for that purpose. A hunter has a right to a 'gun' that corresponds to the kind of game he hunts. If he hunts elephants, he'd better have a big gun. But, neither is the hunter entitled to an arsenal. Weapons for war are not an issue, only a Constitutional right to 'bear arms' for self-defense. The gun lobby will probably want their own tanks and artillary pieces, but that is not the issue nor is the issue one of a right to accumulate. Every Constitutional right has its sphere of application. The Constitutional rights of 'freedom' and 'equality' are universal within the polity and hence apply to each and every human being in the Nation. Of course, corporations, are not human and while they are entitled to protection, they don't have the rights of humans. The rights that apply to humans have their particular logical class and hence can be identified more easily within a 'logorithmic model'. Of course, I speak of logical classes not economic classes. As real as 'economic classes' are, they are part of the economy and play no part in the governing process. Their only duty is the part they play in the payment of taxes within a governmental system that gave corporations their right to exist as a legal and economic entity. Actually, its not the corporations that seek all these unfair economic advantages( because they're fictions), its the people who run them. Its the 1%.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.