Friday, December 14, 2012

The ancient problematic of the relation of the One to the Many can be resolved. In order to do so, we must discard the abstraction in which the problem is formulated. The question arises, "why are we so concerned with such an ancient problem?". The short answer is because that formulation reflects the essential problematics of government. The statement "the One" is a linguistic abstraction and the statement "the Many" is also linguistic. Hence, the relation between the One and the Many must also be linguistic. These abstractions create many linguistic confusions. But, the confusions are linguistic and hence confusions of logic. But, logic and mathmatics are related and if we switch to the 'language' of "Number", the One is a Number and the Many are also Number(many numbers). However, in mathmatics, One is just One and can never be anything else. Likewise, the Many are number but each and every one in the collectivity called Many is an integrity unto itself and together with the other 'integritys', they constitute the inclusive abstraction "Many". If we are talking about individuals, this phenomena does not threaten or encroach into the integrity of any One individual in their condition of "togetherness", which identifies their abstract collective existence. It merely sets out the problematics of authority and political power. If the One or one of the Many is going to assume the political position at the Top, s/he must have a source from which to claim it. Most Ancient 'governments' claimed authority and power to be at the Top from sources outside themselves. In the Kingship form, the source was 'Divine',the so-called, Divine Right of Kings. In Dictatorships and forms of Autocracy, the source was usually force or strength. There's many different forms of government, but they can be reduced to variations of this form. Now, we can deal with the problematics of Democracy. Democracy, as we have said, is government "of the people", "by the people" and "for the people". In other words, democracy is "the people" governing themselves. No power or authority or superiority of any individual is required. The sole source of power and authority is the Constitution of the United States. A proper interpretation being required, the Judicial Branch must be impartial, free from Party loyalty,and must use "interpretive practices" that follow the structure of the Constitution. That structure is a Triadic structure: the Legislative being at the bottom, the Executive at the Top and the Judicial at the sides of the Triad of government. Any deviation from this form would be unconstitutional. The millions of people at the Bottom remain sovereign. That's recognized in the First Amendment which states that the people have a right to "peaceably... assemble and to petition the Government for redress of grievances". That!,is the Constitutional Right to revolution.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.