Saturday, June 29, 2013

How can political power be confined to the political sphere. A democratic government gets its power from the Bottom or the People. There is no other source for political power. Autocrats don't have power, they use fear and violence to govern. The economy does not house power, it only houses 'buying power', which is not political power. 'Buying power' is merely a medium of exchange that allows for the purchase and ownership of whatever one wants. Buying power is economic power and that is separate from political power. Economic buying power should not be co-mingled with political power. Political power arises from the masses at the bottom, while economic power relates to the profit engine. No amount of economic power should be allowed to 'buy' or contaminate democratic political values. The economy is not democratic and the values of democracy have nothing to do with profits. One way of keeping political power and economic power within their respective domains is to eliminate all economic conditions from the exercise of democratic values required to run for office. The economic status of the individual running for office is not important in a democracy. No individual seeking political office should be hampered by economic demands. Hence, the process by which any individual can participate in a democracy must be purified. Another way to keep the democratic values pure is to eliminate all corporate influences from the political structure. Corporations are legal fictions and as such are not 'persons' nor 'citizens'. They may need protection within the economy but they have no business in the democratic process. Politics needs to purge itself from the 'corporate economy'. This does not mean that politics would be against all matters corporate, only that the corporate economy should not intervene within the democratic value system. One can visualize a healthier economic system without the interference of democratic values and a healthier democratic system without the interference of economic values.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.