Tuesday, June 4, 2013

If the economy, capitalism, corporations and money are becoming the new value system of the social to the extent that government is influenced by it, maybe its time for government to get more involved in the economy, in capitalism, and in re-defining the proper place that money has in politics. By this, I mean its time to redefine the part that the economy, especially corporations, play in the governing process. Corporations are "fictions", yet, they are the largest most efficient producers of profits. At the same time, there are real human beings behind the 'corporate veil'. Corporations were created by government; they were defined by the Supreme Court; and they were afforded protection under the Constitution. Yet, corporations are not real human beings. How can they deserve better treatment than a real human being or how can they work to the detriment of real people? How can government protect the real human beings that lurk behind the corporate veil? How can the Courts continue to enlarge the corporate power base? If Government can pass law that protects it, government can require that they participate in the democratic process. Why not? It was democracy that set them up, why can't they be more democratic? Corporations are 'centers' of economic power while government is the center of political power and political structure. Hence, government encompasses an 'area' larger than the economy. The economy would be meaningless without government. In all probably, it could not exist. Whereas, government could exist with or without the economy. Just because the economy is important to the Nation as a whole, does not mean that the economy can upend the government. The economy must 'contain' its economy and that means some measure of democratic control. If there is no control over certain economic activity, its time we got some. Originally, some measures were enacted into law, but they have since been diffused or 'thinned out'. Laws designed to control corporations have no 'teeth'. Its time for government to get its 'bite' back.

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