Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The power that exists at the Top of the triadic structure of government can never give-in to other value systems. The economy exists to create profits, it can never be a substitute for governing in a triadic fashion. Economics is not about governing and hence its value system can never replace government. Government can only be replaced by other governmental forms and that is not going to happen in a governmental form where the people have had a taste of Freedom and Equality. That's why Plutocracy doesn't have a chance in a democracy and that's why other forms are also at a loss. The only way that a 'Plutocracy' can govern is for some individual to hold all the cards(money) of a government. Of course, that assumes that economic values have been substituted for democratic values. In this way, that individual would have all the power. But, If that should happen or if 1% of the populace is hoarding most of the money, it wouldn't be long before the 1% begins to fight against the others within the remaining 1%. Lets face it, the motor for profits 'gone wild' is greed and if greed characterizes the top 1%, it wouldn't be long before the 1% is at war with itself. The same holds for other forms of Autocratic rule. Change from democracy to Plutocracy or Autocracy is not possible. Democratic rule is people rule and the people at the Bottom of triadic government are too many and too strong; especially in a democracy where it is Constitutional to rebel against a 'dis-functional' government. The First Amendment has given the people an 'insight' into their importance in the governmental structure of a real democracy. Consider it carefully; why should the governed have a Constitutional right to revolution? All the People have this Right because it was 'they' who granted the power to exist at the Top of government. 'They' select who 'sits with power' at the Top. Democracy will reign supreme so long as there are a few People at the Bottom. People with money do not have political power; they just have lots of money! ( thanks to democracy).

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.