Saturday, June 29, 2013

Please understand, the democratic form of government is not a panacea; its not some universal cure-all. The problematic with government, all governments, is that they are 'arrangements' where-by a Top(the locus of power) purports to govern the millions of People at the Bottom. In order for the arrangement to function, the Top must house power. Of course, the Top, in all cases, is also constituted by one or several individuals that are exercising the power. Of course, it can be said that a government is probably as 'good' and 'effective' as the individual at the Top that wields the power. But this, should we make it a requirement, only changes the locus of power from the structure or form of government to the 'nature' of the individual at the Top. This does not work! Consider the Kingdom and autocratic forms. The problematic in the relation of the Power of One over the Many arises from the fact that the One ( at the Top )that rules the Many( at the Bottom) is always equal in his 'humanness' to each of the individuals constituting the Many(at the Bottom). There is never any superior human quality in the One. Nevertheless, it's also true that power can corrupt and absolute power can corrupt absolutely. Unfortunately, the human condition seems unable to wield 'power' in a 'healthy' manner. Hence the necessity, at the time that government is being formed, for the establishment of basic laws to form and structure the government. These laws should define the parameters and limit the exercise of political power. Political power should always take the form of a government of three Branches. One Branch exercises power, the other defines it, and the millions of people legislate the laws through their representatives. These basic laws delineate the parameters of political power. Of course, its at this point that we can renew our statement that democracy is not a panacea, (the fact should be obvious) viz. each of the Branches is occupied by some individual that is equal in his or her humanity as those s/he purports to govern. But, remember, power corrupts.... How can we attenuate this conundrum?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.