Friday, June 21, 2013

The sanctity of the human condition has always been the primary reason for forming governments. If it was not for the fact that millions exist in the world, there would be no necessity for governments. It was the People who created government and it was because they saw the need for Law and Order among the millions of People. Truly, we cannot live without government, nor without Law and Order. It was necessary that government be granted the power to govern. This became political power. If it was not for that particular grant of power, no one individual would have political power and everyone would be Free and Equal. The Freedom and Equality of all individuals is a condition of the Natural world. No one human being can be, nor should s/he be, superior to another. The only power in the world is that granted by the people of a political system. Hence, political leaders should govern by Law and Order and should not abuse the power that has been granted to them by the system. Political power is not greater than the Freedom and equality of the individual; the sanctity of the human condition is the paramount consideration. Of course, historically there have been different kinds of government. For example, there was The Divine Right of Kings; there were those who took power by force or conquest; or, those who just rule by brute force or fear. That is not political power; that's plain and arbitrary 'rule'. Government today is government "of People", "by People" and "for people". The most important part is the latter; "for the People". Government is no good, if it does not serve the People. The People are the sole beneficiaries of government, not the 'governors'; they are just doing their 'jobs' and usually only for a short time. The human condition can only survive if it's justly governed on a National level and ,eventually, one hopes, on an International level. Truly, Justice can escalate into the International Sphere, but it must first exist on the National sphere.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.