Tuesday, June 11, 2013

There is something inherently wrong when a medium of exchange is not used as such. Money is a medium of exchange and if it is to function as it should within a capitalistic economy, it should circulate. The goal of such an economy is to make a "profit" and to provide the essentials for the People at the same time. But, what happens when money is hoarded or kept in the hands of just a few people? Money can be hoarded, in which case, it is kept from circulating. How does this phenomena compare with democracy? Democracy is a government "of People", "by People" and "for People". If money does not circulate, profits suffer and so does providing jobs, wages, homes, etc. "for the People". How can such an economy be brought under some control to insure the 'up-keep' of the social? Well, controlling a Mom & Pop business will not help, but controlling a huge corporate giant will. Mom & Pop businesses are 'people business'. They are run by actual people, whereas a corporate business is a collection of real people operating behind a fictitious entity. The sole purpose for organizing a corporate structure is to increase its 'economic grasp' and to protect the real people behind it. Well, if the structure is a fiction, it obviously cannot reap the rewards awarded by the fiction. But, the real people behind the fiction can reap the rewards. So who, then, benefits? of course, the 'owners' do. If there is to be any control exerted by government, to provide for the social, it seems that government should control corporations and not 'Mom and Pop stores". The 'economy' is using fictions to amass huge profits and either hoarding the profits or keeping profits 'centralized' to increase its size and strive for even greater profits and greater 'hoarding'. For a democracy, its a no-win situation. Its understandable why corporations are said to be 'to big to fail'. But, the dilemma is they are not providing for the 'social'. Why? Is it because they are hoarding all the benefits derived from the corporate structure? If capitalism is about profits, maybe its time to control the use of some of those profits. Example; Corporate tax rates used to be 90%, then reduced to 70%, and now 35%! Why? Its a case of the rich taking care of the rich and the government isn't helping when it changes from the value system of democracy to the value system of profits.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.