Sunday, January 13, 2013

As governments become 'larger', more 'expansive',it would seem that governing would become more efficient and the 'condition' of people in the Nation and the world would improve. After all, the Top of every government has, or should have, the general welfare of its people as its primary concern. Then, why is it that as soon as a government acquires more strength, individual human emotions about killing, conquering and overcoming other governments, come to the fore? Those emotions are 'individual' emotions, not 'governmental emotions'. Government is an 'arrangement' of people in a manner best suited to govern many individuals. Its independent of the people it governs. Its completely separate from human individuality and the 'emotional tenor' of any government should be the 'general welfare' of its people, not the welfare of any one individual at the Top, or of any group of individuals within the governmental structure. Why else become established as a government? Understandably, a government, as an individual, must protect itself. A government can become 'stronger', but that 'governmental strength' does not transfer to any individual within the political entity. The same is true of human emotions; human emotions remain individual emotions and its a mistake to transfer any one individual emotion 'into' the 'emotional tenor' of any 'act of governing'. How ridiculous; we form governments to keep millions of individuals within a structure of 'law and order'( which keeps them from 'killing' each other) and then,once we form into such governmental structures, 'governments' insist on 'killing' each other (on the National as well as on the International sphere).Wow. Even a child could see how ridiculous that is. I guess, that would be a job for the United Nations or similar groupings(whatever). A Nation must govern itself with 'governmental emotion', not the human emotion of the individual at the Top of power. I understand the difficulty of defining any such emotion, but governing means governing the Nation, not any other governmental system on the International sphere. So lets keep human emotions where they belong and lets govern with the 'broader emotional tenor' of a statesman and not the 'misplaced' individual emotions of a politician.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.