Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Government cannot measure success or failure because words and language are to unmanageable. Semantics and multiplicity of meanings renders language duplicitous. That is not the fault of language, its the fault of government. Government needs to organize along the lines of the triadic nature crafted in the Constitution. Certainly a government of people, by people and for people can be structured along quantifiable lines. (Separate Parties are OK, if both are democratic.) In that way, policy and legal mandates can be measured for accomplishment. Otherwise,we are left with sweeping generalities completely unfounded on the bottom of the triad or the people. The economy is totally quantified because it uses money as its measureing stick. Government can use each individual as a measure of democracy. If it just uses semantics, the results can be chaotic. If, when policy or law declares, "everyone is free and equal" it's actually meant, the solution is simple. Everyone means everyone. Where's the problem? Instead, when we use language or semantics , we begin to make distinctions like, "Oh,I'm free to do anything I please". Well yes, but, of course, you have to stay within the law. And don't step on your neighbors toes, cause he's not going to like it. Remember, he's free also. My favorite,of course, is "what are we doing in Afghanistan?" Ans: " we're bringing them democracy". Right. The other is equality. It's the popular belief that someone is unequal if s/he is not white or belongs to a different race, or, s/he is poor, or is on welfare, or is to old to be useful,etc. Has anyone heard of the human race? Being human is all thats required to be equal. There's no other measure. Government Office is a priviledge that should not be abused. Don't forget, your up there only for a short while. Democratic rule is the only form of government that can be imposed on a human being. Thats why all people have the Constitutional right to revolution. The human condition has a right to protect itself, even against government.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.