Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why has the Linguistic Turn disorganized and unsettled language-usage? Well, language was already subject to many variables in meaning, which led to many disagreements and arguments but, the Turn completely destroyed the effectiveness of language by claiming that no 'word' corresponded to the thing it referred too, or more generally, the 'Map does not correspond to reality". Since language is always about something other than itself, it inhabits two different domains. Grammatical usage is one domain and that to which it refers is the other. Nevertheless, and in spite of its limitations, language is essential to the human condition. But, the Turn has caused a restructuring of many linguistic disciplines and thats why the Constitution must be perceived in its underlying form. That form has to be geometric and mathmatical. Those two disciplines have not been confused or disorganized. Why not? Because they deal with 'direction' and quantities and not meaning. Why should democracy be quantitative? Because each individual in a democracy is important as a living human being and democracy refers to each and every individual at the Bottom. A triadic government best protects the sanctity of each individual. It has three different sides with three different functions to 'hold' the integrity of the triad and the integrity of democracy. Also math and geometry,being quantitative,are 'what they are' and cannot be otherwise. Language, to the contrary, has many meanings and can be interpreted in many different ways. Hence, government must have form and structure. The structure is in the language of the Constitution and the form underlies it. The structure may be arguable, but the form is not. The form is a government 'of people','by people', and 'for people'. That speaks for itself and that is as quantitative as can be. Otherwise,how can One or a few govern a multitude without the multitude's decision in the matter? Its impossible.The problematics with language arises when terms like,'all', 'everyone', 'free','equal',and many other general terms, remain on an abstract level and never really sink down to the real human beings to whom they apply. Abstraction can lead to political double talk and heaven only knows we hear it daily. The essense of the democratic spirit must be quantified. No one says its easy, only that it's a must. Where are our statesmen?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.