Thursday, January 31, 2013

Corporations are important to the economy of a Nation. But, we must never forget that they are legally considered as "fictions that exist only in contemplation of law". Why and what does that mean? Well,human beings in a democracy are not fictions, they're as real as you can get. They 'live' they suffer and they die. Hence, side by side, a human being should be more important to a democracy than a "fiction". That does not mean that we discriminate against corporations, only that we distinguish between an economic principle and a political principle. Not only do we make a distinction between them but we do not co-mingle them. OK, so what does that mean? It means that the goal and purpose of having a healthy economy should not be the sole criteria of a democracy. To be sure, its very important, but never at the risk of relaxing democratic principles. We do not switch from democratic principles to economic principles. Democracy must remain democracy, it never changes. Thats why we have the First Amendment. The economy must continue to grow within the context of the democracy within which it is realizing its full potential. When economic principles begin to effect democratic principles, that means that the 'motor'and goal(profits)begins to replace the Freedom and Equality of a true democracy.That means that instead of freedom and equality as a 'motor' for democracy, that money,the medium of exchange that must circulate, becomes a 'value'. That means money replaces freedom and equality as the 'motor' of the Nation.When money replaces freedom and equality, we go from Democracy to Plutocracy; We go from a 'freedom and equality' to a 1%. When the 1% rules, we create a Country with 'riches',instead of a country with freedom and equality of those who, in the first place, created it. Come-on guys, money is necessary;like you,I like it too, but don't let it replace democracy, especially when the main culprit is a "legal fiction". You know, legal fictions can't function on their own, they are 'run' by real people, so who is benefiting? We're back to the 1%.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.