Friday, January 25, 2013

The novelty of the problem on the International community is caused by the revolution in the communication media. The internet has brought a spread-out collection of different peoples in different Countries a lot closer together.Its easy to reach out from ones living room into another living room separated by many miles and Political boundaries. The world has shrunk and the "togetherness" of peoples of all races and belief systems is now possible. Of course, there will always be the insistense of the superiority of one Nation over the other. Maybe, that's necessary for political purposes, but its not necessary for human reasons. I understand the philosophic perspective which states that there is no such thing as a Human Nature which binds all humans together. The problematic that arises from that concept is the issue of equality. The argument seems to be that we are all more different than we are alike; that there is no such thing as human equality. In other words, some of us are superior to others. But, that argument falls when we consider that we all need to live together in order to be individually and politically free. If we live in isolation and don't live together, after awhile, each individual will be pitted against the other individual. Unfortunately, thats just the way people live, always anxious to assert their individual superiority. Thats why all individuals need to be controlled politically. Not in the sense of controlling everyday activities, but in the sense of a 'political togetherness' with a National identity that protects its citizens and, not only that, but also governs the general welfare of the constituted political entity. If we do not have political equality, we will never have human equality. Although, human equality gives rise to political equality, the polity, in return, protects everyone's human equality by legislating laws of order. The people need government, but government also needs the people. In a democracy of people, by people, and for people, the government depends on all its people; not on just 1% nor on some preferred political party.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.