Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Democracy is about the freedom and equality of human beings: the economy is about making a profit. Have you ever seen a business, whether incorporated or not, that is not making a profit, remain in business? Or for that matter, an individual that works for a living, continue to work if s/he will not get paid? The economy functions on a principle of 'monetary growth'. Of course, the economy of a Country must be stable and must show signs of growth. However, Democracy will continue to be a democracy and the only 'growth' it will experience is where the parts of the social that were previously left out, can now be included. Government is a democratic arrangement into three parts of the social that will hold the underlying form in a true 'democratic' reciprocity. Democracy will always be democracy; the only question that arises is, "is it a true democracy?" If not, then that's the direction of change. Democracy does not grow, it just finds its true center. That is why democratic principles of government cannot, and should not, be co-mingled with economic principles of growth. Sure, they're related. However, the individual is the very basis of democracy. If any individual or class of individuals is left out of the 'reckoning' of a democratic policy or law, we have failed. Democracy will never change; it is to be achieved. To the contrary, the economy is based on the profit motive which can very easily become motored by greed. Therein lies its problematic. Individual greed may be morally wrong(maybe not), but, in the political sphere, it's clearly wrong. If the medium of exchange is 'hogged' by the 1%,a very important part(that should circulate) of the economy is being held hostage in a democracy based on freedom and equality. The 'top' of the social is not the same as the Top of government. The two are different and must remain separate in a democratic government. Why change the principle of democracy to a principle of the economy? Thats not democracy, thats Plutocracy. Why do 'democrats' who have used the principles of democracy to get to the 'top' of the economic ladder, all of a sudden, want to be Plutocrats? You know the answer to that.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.