Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The economy must help fortify the Nation, but the Nation does not have to fortify the economy at the expense of democracy. Don't get me wrong.Government needs to help create a 'healthy, strong, National economy', but it does not have to sacrifice democratic principles. In no case do democratic principles take second chair to economic principles. Government is operated on democratic principles, not economic ones. Just making profits is never a democratic principle. However, economic considerations should not exclude democratic considerations. Although the two principles function by means of separate paradigms and, of course, for separate purposes, yet they can and should support each other. The problematics with a so-called 'Market' economy is that the sole engine is to make a profit and not to promote democracy. Little, if any, consideration goes into the realization that the so-called Market is constituted by the same people that constitute the democracy. Of course, thats why some "out-source". ( Thats another story) Democracy is governed by the basic principle of "free and equal", whereas the 'market' is founded on making a profit. Consequently, government could well contribute to a stable market by establishing programs that create a 'value' that helps circulation of money within the market and hence, the economy. However, under no circumstances is government entitled to step outside the political principles of democratic government. Government has many duties to its citizens as citizens have duties to their government. The cry for stopping entitlements is ridiculous. Helping the poor; the 'needy', senior citizens, the retired,etc with Social security, medicare, welfare, is not an entitlement,its a duty and they better well provide it. ( Who fights their wars, if not the people at the bottom)The only entitlement in a democracy is the priviledge and entitlements attributed to those normal human beings who were lifted into offices-of-power by the people at the bottom. Once out of office, the top is free to join us at the bottom. I dare say, without the 'power of office', they seem pretty normal.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.