Monday, March 10, 2014

Democracy from Three perspectives.

Democracy has more than one perspective. It has a perspective from the Top(Executive); from the Bottom(the People, through their representatives); from the Judicial(the Constitution). All Branches of Government should be democratic, but are they? A Democracy is a government of the People. Hence, the essence of democratic forms originate from the People. The Executive or the Top is the 'determinative' factor of the form of government and the 'object' of government, or the 'purpose' of the Executive, is to govern all the People at the Bottom, and to do so in a 'democratic way'. The Judicial is on the side-lines of government, but plays a very important part in the democratic process, because it interprets the Constitution. But, how does it interpret the Constitution? Well, that means it should interpret the Constitution, 'democratically' and since the essence of governing comes from the Bottom, it's 'interpretive practices' must favor the 'real' People at the Bottom. But does it? Well, one has to ask, "why does it favor corporations"? Corporations are fictions, unreal. They themselves, created the "legal Fiction", so why prefer corporations over real people? And why 'extend' the fictional nature into the areas of "free speech" and hence, politics? The high Court opened the 'door' for 'economic principles' to enter into the political arena of democratic principles. Money, or 'a medium of exchange' cannot usurp democratic principles in a Democracy. Government is about 'governing', not about money. Well, that leaves the Bottom? What's their obligation in a democracy. The essence of governing is that the People are governed by 'law and order' without imposing on the Freedom and Equality of any human being's Right to live a life of integrity and dignity within the parameters of Law. The Integrity and Dignity of the human condition is a 'democratic principle'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.