Saturday, March 15, 2014

In 'real' democracy, the 'People' rule.

The essence of democracy is the People. The function of the Executive,the Legislative,and the Judicial branches, is to perform their functions as set out in the Constitution. The function of the People is to 'live' democratically; i.e. in Freedom and equality; to obey the laws; and to keep 'score' on how their government is functioning. If the Three Branches always performed their jobs properly, there would be no need for keeping score. But, since we have a Party System, you can forget about that. The essence of government is in the People, because only the People can change what 'goes on' in government. The Party can change nothing. No branch can change another Branch. Can the Executive do whatever it pleases? Can the Legislative legislate whatever it pleases? Can the Judiciary decide whatever it wants? Of course, the answer is a resounding, No! First; there are Constitutional requirements; then there's the needs of the Nation; then there are proper 'interpretive practices' to be followed. No Office holder can do other than what his office demands in a democratic form of government. They must do their job or 'suffer the consequences'. They'll be out of work in the following Session. So, in the meantime, what does the Bottom do while all this is going on? Well, they should be 'keeping score'. There is nothing stronger and more 'powerful' than a 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom of government. That's why democracy is a 'Peoples' government. Don't 'kid' yourself; if you let it, the 'government' will take advantage. Look around at what's going on in the world. Revolutions are becoming necessary. Hence, its important that 'we all' hold together as human beings; not as political Parties, nor to seek preferential treatment, but to protect our Freedom and equality. It's up to the 'People'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.