Sunday, March 30, 2014

Governments are necessary institutions, but they are also 'empty Institutional vessels' of necessary power.

Government is a necessary institution, but it does not have to 'revolve' around any one Leader or any one Nation. Sure, there are many Nations in the world and the International sphere has its own governing body or 'United Nations'. But, is every Nation a member? If not, why not? Governing on the level of a United Nations or a 'world' is not an easy matter. Governing on a National level stresses the importance of the People within any one Nation; but, governing on the International sphere is a different ball game. The focus is on the different Nations and each one is different, and each one is sovereign, within its own sphere. The same respect for the Freedom and Equality of the people within any Nation must be extended to the Freedom and Equality of each sovereign Nation within the United Nations. It would seem, that on the International sphere, 'governing' the relations between individual Nations is vastly different, than any one Nation governing its own People. The reason, is that each Nation is a 'political power' and sovereign within its National boundaries. So, Internationally, power governs the relations between Nations of equal individual power. Whereas, Nationally, through institutional power, the Nation governs the freedom and equality of the human condition. Nationally, and in a Democracy, power exists only at the Top of government; at the Bottom, the People have inalienable Rights and the 'condition of togetherness' insures their strength in Numbers. The Right to " peaceably assemble and Petition the government for redress of grievances" is a Constitutionally protected Right. Individual people never have power; only an Institution can grant 'institutional power'. The relation is between an institution and the human condition. While, on the International sphere the relation is between equally powerful Nations. Governments, of whatever form, i.e. whether Democracies or not, are merely institutions of power. As such, their major concern should be their own people. When governments respect the integrity and dignity of their own People, there should be no reason for being aggressive within the International sphere. Large Nations should not bully smaller Nations. Each Nation is equally sovereign and each Nation has a right to its own 'culture', way of life, dignity and respect as an equal Nation among other Nations, but each Nation should respect the human condition, in the same way, as all other Free People within any other Nation are respected. Leaders with 'power' should never flex their muscles against other leaders with equal power. Sure, Governments are necessary, but they are also 'empty Institutional vessels' of necessary power; and their sole purpose is to govern millions of people. There's no other purpose for the existence of Nations, and Governments. Human beings have dignity and integrity; not governments, they are 'empty, hollow, Institutional vessels' of necessary power.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.