Sunday, March 23, 2014

Party loyalty and economic principles undermine democratic principles

Its not simply the 'representative' nature of democracy that sometimes hurts democracy; its also the 'rigid' lines of Party loyalty, money, and the misuse of economic principles within the political domain. Economic principles should not drive the Freedom and Equality of democratic principles. Its close to election time and we already hear of millions being spent on advertising and support of candidates that will hopefully upset the balance in the 'Representative chambers' of the Top. For what? Of course, to favor and pass legislation beneficial to The Party that will then be able to further entrench Party power over policy, programs and laws that favor economic principles over democratic principles. How can democratic government prevail, if elections are being driven by economic principles, or, simply put, money? The economy is a 'profit venture', democracy is about the freedom and equality of each individual. Government cannot function on the basis of 'making a profit', and the economy cannot function on 'freedom' and 'equality'. So why are elections being driven by, 'who can spend the most money on advertising'? Advertising? That's an economic principles that 'says', 'just sell the product by stuffing it down the consumers throat; they'll never know the difference'. Economic principles cannot drive democracy; democracy is about human beings and both Parties know that; but, they still talk about 'who can spend the most'. Unfortunately, both Parties have become dependent on money, but we know there's one Party that relishes it and cannot wait till the next 'profits roll in'. That's the source of antagonism between the two Parties. Democracy and Capitalism is an oxymoron. Why can't they be kept separate? They actually can, but that is to 'demanding' on the integrity of our politicians.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.