Monday, March 3, 2014

Resolving the problematic of the One and the Many raises many other issues.

One of the issues, in resolving the problematic of the One and the Many, is the relationship between 'political Power' at the Top and 'democratic Strength' at the Bottom. Both 'ends' must be kept viable. Yet, some sort of 'harmonic' blend of 'power' and 'strength' must result from their working together. On the International sphere, a 'harmonically blended' People within a Nation, is a strong Nation. Although the function of a Nation on the International sphere is different from its function on the National sphere, all Nations need to function as a 'political whole'. But, sometimes the 'voice of the People' is different from the 'voice of the Nation'. 'Animosities' within a Nation can lead to revolution; 'animosities' among Nations on the International sphere can lead to war. What's the difference? No difference, except the geographical area within which each takes place; the availability of arms; and the nature of the 'motivations' that leads to the confrontation. The reasons on the National sphere that lead to revolution are different from the reasons that lead to war. The International sphere functions and 'interacts' on the level of 'Nations', and hence, on the 'established' level of power, political power, and each is ready to assert its superiority. While, the motivations that lead to revolution within the Nation, are the 'freedom' and 'equality' of the individuals. In the 'long run', its the real individuals that live and die from either activity. That's why, the sanctity and the integrity of the human individual should be the paramount consideration in either activity. However, a Nation, any Nation, should first resolve its domestic problems before it tackles International problems; and here, we find one problematic, among many, on the International sphere as we have on the National sphere; the relationship we have towards 'legal fictions'( the 'State' and corporations) and 'International fictions'( 'States', a la Rousseau). 'Fictions' asserting power, and real individuals, who 'live and die'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.