Friday, March 28, 2014

Government is important; the economy is important; but, the People are more important.

The government is important; the economy is important; but, the People are the 'essence' of government. Obviously, a government without a People cannot exist. An economy without People is ludicrous. But, a People need a government and an economy, and both, will benefit from the Peoples contribution towards both institutions. Governments and economies are 'useless' without People. Hence, the essence of a Democracy that has a Capitalistic economy are the People who constitute it. Why can't governments see that and why can't government see that a Democracy can only function and 'run' on democratic principles and not economic principles. Of course, Capitalism and money are important but, they cannot successfully operate a democracy. Lets face it, the economy and Capitalism are motored by profits; and profits and making lots of money is the goal of all capitalistic ventures. Its a 'dog eat dog' economy. Sure, the economy provides lots of work and 'income' for the People, but the already established big corporations and big business always controls the outcome of 'incomes'. Where is the 'work'?, where are the 'opportunities?, why does the 1% hold most of the income? And we have to ask, what is government doing about this sad state of economic affairs? Maybe it should get involved in the 'fray'. Why not? Oh. of course, it will be called 'socialistic'. The top 1% will always find some ideological label to place on any government contributions towards creating jobs, employment, medical help, or providing for the homeless and the needy. If it were not for the People, Governments would not be necessary; and if it were not for the People, the economy could not exist. Our institutions need to understand that's its a government, of People, by People, and the most important one is "for the People". People are the essence of government and the economy.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.