Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Political power cannot exist, except in a properly established government.

Political power cannot exist except in a properly established government. A properly established government can only be established by the People who are to be 'governed'. No 'Other' People can create a governing body outside themselves; and no 'Other' governing body can assume the government of an 'Other', already established, government; not by conquest; nor by defeat, military or otherwise; nor by any other forceful means. Only the 'governed' can create their own government, and the result of doing so, creates the establishment of 'power' at the Top of government. Only real human beings can create positions that can 'house' power. Even corporate institutions cannot create other corporate institutions. They can expand their size, and set up departments, but the original corporate structure must always be dependent on its Articles of Incorporation. It can grow, and it can voluntarily or involuntarily be dissolved, but it cannot 'create'. A corporation is a "legal fiction". A "State" or a government may be a 'fiction' but, its a properly established institution that has been 'constituted' by a People who draw up a Constitution that will determine its 'ongoing' structure. 'Outside' of these forms of organizations, there is no structure or individual that possesses power. "Power" is an elusive term and is much misunderstood. Individuals may have 'influence', may get 'respect', or be elevated to 'high' positions within society, but they cannot and do not have 'power'. Power is an attribute of a 'governing body', and that means a properly 'organized' governing body. Absent that, an all individuals, regardless their social position, are 'free and equal' human beings. Free and equal human beings alludes to their humanity, not their possessions, money, or holdings. Some social positions may have 'authority', but none has power. Power only belongs in a properly organized political Office. Its essential because 'governing' requires it.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.