Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Government cannot be 'motored' by profits.

Government cannot be motored by 'profits'. 'Profits' is the end result of economic activity, not government activity. The 'line' between the two must be carefully drawn. Government can only be 'motored' by the Freedom and Equality underlying the political principles of Democracy; namely, the Freedom and Equality of the People; all the People. No other 'motor' or 'motive' can underlie the 'governing' of millions, because democracy is a form of 'self-government'. Hence, all the People, in a democracy, constitute the 'motoring power' of government. Democracy does not have a 'source of power', separate from the People, who constitute it. But, how can this be? Simply, by the principle of 'Representation'. Without representation, 'government' cannot exist. I realize that there are other forms of government, but those forms get their power to govern from an 'external source', not the People. In the Divine Right of Kings, the source was a 'Divinity'. In other forms of Autocracy, the 'source' is the end result, of a theoretical 'triadic structure', where One, or a few, Individuals assume the position of the Top in order to govern the Many at the Bottom. A Triadic, or a Three Branch Governmental structure is 'necessary' so that 'power' becomes situated at a 'Top' in its relation to a 'Bottom' of millions. There is no other way to govern millions. The issue in 'all forms of government' is always, how does the 'Top' get to the 'Top'? Why? because only a Top can 'govern' a Bottom of millions. There is no other way. Hence, non-democratic forms of government must configure a form of government where they must justify the 'ascension' of the 'individual' or 'individuals' to the position at the Top. That, can be accomplished in several ways; by physical 'force', or 'social strength', by 'influence', either political 'influence', 'family influence', or 'economic influence'. At this point, we get into the infiltration of 'money or possessions' into politics. In a Democracy, 'money' can never be the 'motor' of 'the People' at the Bottom. Although, the 'well being' of the People also includes a successful, 'economic well-being', the 'freedom and equality' of all the People cannot be 'assured' or 'insured' by the 'profits motor'. That 'inclination towards profits', signals the ascension of a Plutocratic form of government. Money cannot 'motor' democracy. The two principles can exist within the same 'social', but, they must be kept separate.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.