Tuesday, July 22, 2014

International disputes are "power" struggles.

International disputes are 'power' struggles. The problematic that arises from that phenomena is that a power struggle differs from an individual struggle that attempts to establish 'right relations' with his/her own Nation. Of course, one involves an individuals attempt to 'fit' within the National 'power organization' of its own Government; while an International dispute is one that involves a struggle between two or more established Nations, that are autonomous, and that have an 'equal Right' or 'power' to exist. On the International scene, the dispute is among 'equal Nations' possessing equal power. No dispute arises from the fact that one Nation is a Democracy and the 'Other' is not. No one Nation has a 'Right' to try to 'set things right' in some 'Other' Nation. (not without the 'permission' or 'cooperation' of that Nation), Hence, an International struggle is always one involving 'borders','size', and 'land'; in other words, its 'external relations' with other 'equal Nations'. The 'struggle' is 'purely' between Nations of equal power. Why should that be a dilemma? Well, the problem seems to be that every Nation has a 'People'; and the 'People' are also effected by the relations between Nations on the International sphere. How is that possible?, simply, because every Nation is an 'abstraction' that needs a 'real' foundation for existing; and that 'real foundation' is its People. If a Nation is 'at war', its the People who are 'fighting' and dying; if a Nation is 'economically destitute', its the People who 'suffer'. But, a 'vacuous abstraction' is not 'real', because it has no 'content'. But, a 'real Nation' has a 'content', it has a "People". Hence, every International dispute, always involves the People within the Nations involved in the dispute. The 'identity' of a People is reflected in the 'identity' of a Nation, and vice versa. That's the real problematic. Human values are being considered in establishing 'friendly' relations or 'unfriendly' relations with other Nations,(Allies, etc.) instead of keeping the 'relations' on the International scene in a more "pure form". In other words, relations between Equal Nations, should not be 'resurrecting', 'old animosities', old injustices, or, to put it plainly, 'human values' to justify disagreements in a "sphere" where the Nations function on an 'Equal basis' of power. Of course, 'self-defense' is always an option. But, there should not be any 'political manipulations', that belong on the National level, used, to justify a 'problematic' on the International level. C'mon Guys, don't you have enough problems at home?

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