Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Some of the greatest imbalances found within any Nation arise from the economy.

One of the greatest imbalances within any Nation, are the imbalances created by the economy. Some Nations are defined by the structure of Government itself, e.g. the Divine Right of Kings, Plutocracy, Oligarchies, and Dictatorships. All governments, whether democracies, or not, are usually based on a 'form' of an economy. Why? Simply because all Nations ,regardless their nature, also need an economy to subsist. That's why, every Nation should Tax its economy, or, rather the participants in that economy. A Nation needs to subsist in a viable manner or it won't hold together. The problematic arises when a Nations economy is held by only a few of the People within the Nation. That defines a Plutocracy, and 'could' define an Oligarchy, or a Dictatorship, an usually does. But, don't kid yourself, it can also define a Democracy, especially when the medium of exchange is held by only 1% of the populace. How did that imbalance come about? Obviously, the 1% had, or has laws, 'in place' that favored their particular existence or function within the economy. How did a 'beginning Democracy' originally handle that phenomena? It used to be simple, e.g. corporations were taxed 90%, then 70%, but now they are taxed 35%, in other words; "as if they were real humans". The twist came about when the Supreme Court, whether mistakenly entered by a clerk, or not, held that they were "persons" within the 'reach' of the 14th Amendment. (if that was a 'mistaken characterization', just change it, or correct it.) How ironic, the Government created 'corporate structures' that have caused some of the greatest imbalances within the economy; and these imbalances, are mostly due, to the gradual reduction of the Tax liabilities of a corporation. Maybe that so-called mistake, cannot be corrected, but certainly the Tax liability of a 'fictional creation' designed to increase the economic grasp of the "legal fiction" or "person", can certainly be taxed as, the "fiction" that it is. You see, a Fiction cannot "hurt" from the tax levy, but a 'real person' will certainly 'hurt'. When Government 'favors' fictions instead of real People, we are in trouble. A "just" tax on a "Fictional person" is always better than a tax on a 'real person'. Truly, taxation is a power that can destroy; but you can't destroy a 'Fictional existence', so maybe government can, at least, balance out the 'equities'. After all, a 'legal fiction' just needs 'enough votes', to pass a resolution to 'self-destruct', and its 'gone'. A real person has to 'jump out the window'. "We the People...", need help.

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