Sunday, July 20, 2014

The value system that motors a democracy, is different, from the one that motors the Individual.

The political 'value system' of Democracy is different from the 'value system' of the Individual. It's pretty much obvious that the motivation of any one individual, is not the same as the motivation a Nation should posses, in relating to its own People. Why is that? Simply because any one individual, when weighing his/her motives for acting, normally considers, his own individual welfare. Of course, that's not the only case, e.g. when considering the welfare of the 'family', as opposed to his/her individual welfare. For that matter, that is always the rule when considering the welfare of any "group" of organized individuals, within the general parameters of the Nation. Of course, the same rule applies to any corporate entity. However, the value system of a Democracy is motored by Freedom and Equality of every individual living within that Democracy. The question then becomes, what's the difference between 'governing' ones 'own self', as an individual, and governing, 'millions of People', as a Nation? The answer is that a government of millions cannot abuse the privileges of the individuals, to live his/her, own life. How can that abuse be avoided? The only way is to have a government of People, that is, from the same People who are to be governed, and to 'govern' for the benefit, of the same People who are 'forming' the Government. There is no other way. In other words, a Government, must protect and insure, by Law, the Freedom and Equality of each and every individual living within the Nation. That places the 'ultimate decision' of governing a Nation, on some Individual or Individuals, who have been 'elevated', by election, to a political positions of authority. No one else, has the authority to govern millions. How ironic. When an individual governs him/ her/ self, the individual must have 'power' to do so; i.e. She/He is 'solely responsible' for 'generating' the 'self-power', or 'will', for 'self-government'. When a Nation governs millions of People, it also must have 'power' to do so. It gets that 'power' from the People it governs. That's an Institutional power; not a 'natural power'. At this point, the Government, or the Top, has 'power' to govern millions, while the People at the Bottom, living in a 'condition of togetherness', must continue to 'govern their own self', and at the same time, must submit to 'Democratic Government' of the People, by the People, and for the People. The Top comes into being out of necessity, and 'institutionally' acquires Power, while the individual is 'free and equal' to the personal task, of acquiring 'personal power' over him/her self; or not. Obviously, not every Individual has 'personal power', but, s/he is 'free and equal' to the task.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.