Sunday, July 27, 2014

One of the problems of mixing 'Government theories' with 'economic theory'.

As we have repeatedly stated Government is motored by Freedom and Equality, and the economy, or Capitalism, is motored by profits and, never shall the twain meet. Although separate principles, both are essential to a successful Nation, because every Nation needs a 'successful economy' for its People. But, they must be kept separate. Although, economic issues raise many issues on the National sphere, they also raise many serious, and different, issues on the International sphere. One, in particular, is the problem of 'economic aid' to 'poor Nations' or 'growing Nations'. Obviously, any Nation should help out its own People; But, 'helping out People', in another Nation, on the International sphere, is altogether, a different game. We've said, that Nations on the International sphere, interact as 'Power equals'; i.e. every Nation is autonomous on the International sphere and every Nation is 'equally powerful'. There is no 'governmental superiority' on the International sphere. Hence, one government does not have an obligation to another government, on the International sphere. Hence, One Nation can't call the 'neighbor' Nation and say, "I want you to become a Democracy". Although, that's putting it a little 'simplistic', consider the issue of helping out, other less fortunate Peoples, within another Nation. Can we 'tie in' a requirement that the Nation become a Democracy, or that it should 're-shuffle' its 'priorities' towards the human condition. Absolutely not; Governments on the International sphere are 'Equals" and we cannot interfere with the 'governing' practices in another Nation. One can 'hope' that all governments should be Democracies, but that's a little like 'hoping' that every Individual in a Democracy sees every other Individual in the same democracy, as being "free and equal". That's not going to happen, and that's, why we need Law. Nevertheless, It serves as a perfect example of 'value systems' getting 'mixed-up'. Even in a Democracy, all the People do not see 'eye-to-eye'. Its a shame, but in a Democracy, "money and profits", economic principles, have become more important, than "Freedom and Equality", a political principle. Consequently, One Nation can extend economic aid to another Nation, but it cannot require 'changes' in its political system. The two principles, 'economic' and 'political', are different and separate, and each independent Nation is entitled to their own Government and their own economy. Its sad to see 'good human beings' trying to help 'other less fortunate' human beings, in the world, and seeing that their 'help' does not bear fruit. That's why we have a United Nations; Nations need to understand that, no Nation 'lives' separately anymore; we're 'all' in the 'same room'; and 'human beings' need to understand that, we are all "free and equally human". "Life" is the same everywhere, Governments, unfortunately, are not.

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