Friday, July 11, 2014

The function of government must be distiguished from the function of the economy.

The function of government is to 'represent, protect, and defend' the Individual and to provide for the "general Welfare" of all. The function of Capitalism is to function so as to provide for the 'economic' well being of the Nation within which it exists. The two 'activities' are motored by two different principles. It helps to distinguish from the "general welfare" and the "economic welfare". Truly, there is a great similarity. But, General Welfare is not the same as economic welfare. Each functions under a basic underlying principle; one which is political, and the other, which is economic. The former, obviously, cannot function without Freedom and Equality. The latter, cannot function without 'profits'. An individual human being can engage in economic activities, because he is free and equal. However, an Individual's motives for being a 'good citizen', or a member of a democratic social, cannot be founded on 'profits'. Nor, should s/he have a preferential basis for 'profits' at the 'expense' of 'freedom and equality', especially, if s/he is in politics. To put it differently, a good citizen is not required to have lots of money, nor to have a 'political posture' in favor of only the Individuals, who have lots of money. Furthermore, money or profits should not enter into politics, as some form of criteria for political service. The results of economic principles becomes 'personal', while the political, becomes a duty to serve and to insure the Freedom and Equality of every individual in the polity. They should not be mixed. To be sure, they're both equally important, but neither can be utilized by the other in a successful manner. 'Profits' cannot be created by means of the political principles of Freedom and Equality, and Freedom and Equality, cannot be 'assured' by using the economic principles of 'making a profit'. The two principles do not compete against each other. Hence, the two functions should be kept separate; or at least, they should not be mixed. To mix the two principles is to contaminate the political process, and hence 'the condition of togetherness'. Recent Supreme Court decisions amount to a mixing of 'economic principles' and 'political principles' of 'real human beings', by a preferential treatment of the corporate structure. The Supreme Court keeps granting the "legal fictions" more and more human qualities, which they ,in fact, do not possess. 'Leaning' in favor of corporations, actually destroys any 'competitive edge', a real human being might have had, and at the same time, contributes to the 'accelerated' establishment of a Plutocracy.

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