Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Political Parties are 'political divisions' in the 'wholeness' of the 'Democratic Bottom'.

Political Parties are divisions of the 'wholeness' of the democratic Bottom. Triadic Government or Three Branch Government struggles to retain the integrity of the Democratic Bottom by offering a cyclic form of government that continually changes every so-many years. That means the Three representative Branches are not 'permanent fixtures' in democratic government. By that, I mean the People, who occupy Offices in any of the Three Branches, are subject to election, and hence, being occupied by someone else, at the end of their tenure. Of course, except for the Supreme Court; the members are appointed for life, not just a term of years. So, what happens? Well, each Party 'packs' the Court with its 'preferred Judges' to make decisions that are acceptable to their Party Ideology. All Branches have a duty to perform and the Judicial, in particular, has a duty to impose 'impartial interpretive practices' and not to express some preference for one Party or the Other. That's why, when appointed, they are asked if they will follow the Constitution in their 'interpretive practices', and not just decide along Party Ideology. That's their function; impartiality. If one Branch can sue another Branch because of its Party ideology, we are destined to be a litigious government. In such a case, there would never be any 'integrity' in 'governing'. That's the problematic with dividing into 'opposing Parties', and that's the problem with a Supreme Court 'constituted' of 'Party Ideologues'. Certainly, People can form into different Parties, but both must be democratic, hence no destructive opposition becomes necessary; only a different way of accomplishing the same 'democratic ideals'. Of course, if any 'one' Party is 'not democratic', then it will file suit against another 'Branch'; and basically 'close down government', under the 'pretense' of 'using Law'. What's the difference between that, and just closing down government by so-called 'political maneuvers'? There's no difference. Its somewhat 'amazing' that such, so-called 'intelligent', and so-called 'learned' officials, in our government, can come up with that type of 'governmental' opposition in a democracy. That's destructive. If any one Party wants a change, for Gods sake, go to the Polls! Government is 'self-destructing', its own 'self', and its being done, 'at' the Top, and 'by' the Top. A democratic 'social' has the Right to change its government, but it must do it in accordance with the Constitution; Government must also follow the Constitution. The 'Three Branch Government', at the Top, does not have a Right to destroy the very 'nature' of its Three Branch Constitutional government. What do they want? A one Party system of government; isn't that the nature of an 'Oligarchy'? We might as well, do away with elections also. Where are we heading? As we become less democratic, we become more Autocratic. 'Parties' do NOT represent 'All The People', they only represent their Party. God help us.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.