Thursday, November 27, 2014

A 'Capitalocracy' is a Capitalism with democratic goals.

A 'Capital-ocracy' is a form of Capitalism with some Democratic goals. Its can be called an "oxymoron", but only if we limit the reference of the term to the purely abstract level. Obviously, each word is a separate political term, but we have already clarified the fact that neither term replaces the other in a Democratic Government or a Democratic society. They both function separately, though jointly, in 'independent' political terrains, hence, their separate nature is appreciated and respected. Nevertheless, Democracy must govern and Capitalism must 'produce profits'. Together, they can probably, accomplish more, but, only if they work together. If Capitalism infiltrates Government and becomes self-serving, we will have a Plutocracy. But, its clear that the job and engine of Capitalism is not to govern, but to produce Profits . The 'motor' of the economy is separate from the Democratic spirit. In the same way, Democracy must govern, and it must 'Govern democratically', and hence, 'profits' is not a 'motor' in the governing. Profits belong in the 'economy', and the Freedom and Equality of each individual, belong in a 'Democratic Social'. Never should the two principles be confused. Obviously, and by definition, Democracy cannot thrive in a Plutocracy, and a Plutocracy cannot 'govern' Democratically. The essence of Democratic Government is the Freedom and Equality of the People, and that principle of governing, cannot be replaced by anything else. However, it is possible to require, re-define, and establish, new 'democratic ideals', in the economy, so that Capitalism can become more 'Democratic' and less 'Plutocratic'. Those new Ideals could 'help' combat, Greed, monopoly, and a 'corporate society', and it can help to 'de-centralize' the 1%. Government needs to become more involved in the establishment of 'democratic' economic ideals. If not, the 1% will continue to grow stronger, and eventually, divide, split up, and self-destruct Democracy. The result wouldn't even be a Plutocracy; it would be 'something' like a 'Dictatorship by Wealth'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.