Monday, November 17, 2014

The benefits of Government Office is Power and influence; the benefits of 'economic activity' is money.

The only benefit for Individuals that run for political Office is the exercise of Power during the time spent in Office. The benefits that accrue to someone well situated in the 'Corporate World', or the economy, is money, and possessions. The retired politician enjoys his/her 'reputation', 'fame', and a comfortable existence. But, he/she loses his/her power. The 'retired' businessman never 'loses' the benefits of his/her labor, and gets to enjoy being on the Forbes list. The 'retired', corporate businessman is 'never really' retired, because she/he has full ownership of whatever 'benefits' or values accrued to him/her, while in business. Of course, the imbalances that has resulted between 'politics' and the 'economy' is the difference in the end-results of the 'corporate world', and the end-results of the political world. The unfortunate aspect of this whole scenario is that the 'corporation' is a 'legal fiction', its not a real individual, and has a tremendous advantage, in economic competition, between 'real Individuals' and 'corporate fictions'. It was created by Government, to protect the economy, and the end result, is that the economy has assumed a very powerful position in 'social life'. Everyone wants money; Politicians, Corporations, and citizens, all want more money. In other words, the 'value system' of a viable democracy, i.e., the Freedom and Equality of the Individual, has been replaced by the value system of a viable economy, (of course, helped by the 'legal fiction'), or simply, money. If Government creates Corporations, why can't it have more control over them? Why do successful corporations,( that have been given a 'greater economic grasp') not pay any taxes?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.