Monday, November 24, 2014

Democratic government needs more 'control' over its 'legal fictions'.

Democratic government needs more control over the Legal Fictions it has created. Of course, I speak about the 'Corporations'. Corporations do not 'exist', except as 'entities' in the 'Universe of Legal Discourse'. They are pure abstractions, and as such, have been 'given' an economic 'grasp', that is 'incomparable'. I do not mean that government needs to 'control' its 'profits engine', but it does need some kind of 'management' over the 'results' of a successful Capitalistic economy; viz., the management of the 'medium of exchange'( money) that needs to be kept in circulation. Money is a 'medium of exchange', and as such, it needs to circulate among the Many Peoples at the Bottom. Look, there is no excuse for a 'hoarding' of the medium of exchange by only the Top 1% of the Population. (Remember, corporations are now 'persons' within the meaning of the 14th Amendment.) Real Individuals have many 'duties' in a Democracy, so, why not impose more democratic duties on these 'surrealistic economic entities' called corporations. When a successful economy 'runs' a Government, we call it a Plutocracy. We don't need that! When the real People at the Bottom, runs a Government, we call it a Democracy. That's what we need; a Peoples democracy. In such a case, the people need to keep the 'medium of exchange' in 'circulation', and if 'Legal Fictions' exist in 'contemplation of Law', they must also have legal duties, as 'real People' do. They must also help the 'medium of exchange' to 'circulate' among the 'real individuals' at the Bottom; provide a 'fair wage'; help the 'poor'; the needy; the sick; the elderly; who have already contributed to the economy. In other words, the corporations must become 'democratic'. The fact, that they are Legal Fictions, should not 'shield' them from having 'democratic ideals', as all other real human beings are expected to have. Sure, they can benefit from their economic success, but, not to the point of 'Greed' and 'hoarding' by a mere 1%. In the case of 'legal Fictions', if the Government 'gives'; the Government can also 'take away'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.