Monday, November 10, 2014

"Veterans Day" is the 'starkest' declaration against War.

Veterans Day is the starkest Declaration against War. Its a Day when Nations 'celebrate' their warriors. Regardless the Nation, and regardless the nature of the Government, whether Democratic, Autocratic, Dictatorship, or whatever form of Government, Nations should become acutely aware of the 'loss' of their People. Some are mutilated for life; some are crippled, some cannot go on living, and some are dead. Real human beings fighting for a 'political entity', an abstraction, an intangible, an unreal entity. And yet, we say "what a great service" they rendered. Why is reality upside down? Its the Nations that should be 'fighting' for their People. Human life is sacred; its more sacred than National Identity. No Nation can 'fight' another Nation. But, they get their People to fight each other. What a cheap way to justify 'National strength". Nations cannot exist without People, and Nations should protect their People, and not put them in harms way. Of course, we all know that crime, violence, and mayhem on a National, domestic level is somewhat inevitable. Its in every Nation. So, we conclude that War is the fault of the human condition. But, that's not true. If our Leaders represent all their People, why should Leaders act on an International scale, in the same manner as the Individuals act on a domestic scale? International 'disagreements' are 'abstract disagreements' on an International scale. Usually, no real Individual, other than the Leaders, are involved in an International dispute; the disagreement is usually between Two Nations, with equal Power, that are disagreeing about some International issue. The problematic is, that an argument between two real individuals, results in a fight of some sort between the same two Individuals. Whereas, a disagreement between two Nations, with equal political power, results in War. But, the two Nations don't fight each other, they send their People. Its the People who are maimed, crippled, and who lose their lives. We call them Veterans. If 'Nations and Leaders' could learn to get along, 'Veterans' wouldn't have to fight. How sad; the World is upside-down.

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