Thursday, November 6, 2014

Clear distinctions between Democracy and Capitalism need to be made.

Clear distinctions between Democracy and Capitalism need to be made. The reason for that is that each system is different and functions with a different 'motor'. Of course, all Democracies need an 'economy'. But, all economies, don't necessarily have to be Democratic. Why is that? Autocracies also need an economy. Both, Democracies and Autocracies, are 'forms' of Government, and Capitalism, is an economic form that is 'motored' by the 'profit motive'. Capitalism can survive, and thrive, in a Democracy, but not necessarily in an Autocracy. In an Autocracy, the Government is Top-heavy and may not tolerate freedom of movement within the economy. All Governments are 'motored' by the Top, but Autocracies don't insure the Freedom and Equality of all Individuals at the Bottom and Autocracies 'own' or 'control' the Top as well as the Bottom. Democracy insures the Freedom and Equality at the Bottom. The Individual at the Bottom is Free and Equal to pursue economic activity. But, one of the biggest problems with Democracies, is that the Individuals at the Bottom, are 'free' to Incorporate a business. By so doing, they, whether directly or indirectly, create a 'large entity' that can do business. Of course, it wasn't long before the Supreme Court considered the 'corporate structure' as a 'person' within the protection of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Hence, now we have "legal fictions", recognized by Law, who are protected, 'as if', they were 'real persons'. In the 'economy' no human being can compete with a corporation. Now, they can even contribute to a Political Campaign. Is it any wonder that the 1% is trying to get more 'control'? I wonder if 'corporations' are counted as 'individuals' in the census? Some say, they are to 'Big' to fail. 'Democracy' doesn't want them to 'fail'; but, now that Government has created these "fictions", Government needs to get more CONTROL. Children always play with 'toys', but the 'toys' never take control of the children.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.