Friday, November 14, 2014

There is no 'perfect' Government; only the 'best form' of Government.

When it comes to Government, 'perfection' is out of the question. The best, that 'Government' can strive for, is to be the 'best form' of Government. Why should that be the case? Obviously, we are talking about the 'act of governing', 'Many' 'Individuals', and that means that only a 'few', or 'One', can assume the 'institutional position' of 'Governor'. Its obvious that a 'multitude' of Individuals cannot be governed by the Multitude. Why is that?, because the result would be chaotic. Some critics of Democracy, wrongfully call democracy, 'mob Rule'. But, that's an oxymoron; there is no such thing as 'Mob Rule'. A Mob cannot be 'ruled', because it has no 'Ruler'. The ancient problematic of the 'One and the Many', is the problematic of 'Government'. History is replete with instances of Rule by the One; viz., when the One was considered of 'Divine' origin; or Rule by the 'strongest'; or Rule by the 'smartest'; or Rule by the 'most influential'; or Rule by the 'richest'; or simply, Rule by force, cruelty and mayhem. All these examples give sufficient validity, to the fact, that 'whosoever' purports to Rule or Govern, must have 'Power'. 'Power' is essential to both, 'arbitrary Rule', or 'Government'. But, be assured, there's a difference in the two. The former is truly 'arbitrary', and does not consider the Many at the Bottom; the latter is 'Representative' and only gets 'Power' from the Bottom; i.e., a Government, "of the people", "by the People", and "for the People". The ancient problematic of the One and the Many has gone 'full circle'. The 'One' truly has 'Power', but its Institutional, and is 'granted' by the very People who are the Governed. The 'Top' is different from the 'Bottom'; the Top is Institutional, linguistic, and abstract; the Bottom is not 'an abstract generality' nor, a 'Mob', not even an 'abstract specificity'; its REAL. You and I are real, I know that, and you know that; and neither of us wants to be 'Ruled', we want to be 'Governed'. Of course, the unfortunate part of all this, is that 'neither' of us is 'perfect', but we can hope for the 'best'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.