Sunday, August 12, 2012

Certainly, an economy that uses money is important. But, its a medium of exchange, not a democratic value. A democratic value enhances the freedom and equality of everyone within the Nation. Money is an economic value that requires circulation. But, circulation cannot occur at the top of government. The top houses the administration of the Constitutional structure and its democratic value system. The bottom of triadic government is where the people are situated. The circulation of money must occur at the bottom, not the top. Actually, neither the bottom nor the top should hoard money unnecessarily, nor contribute to its stagnation. Money must circulate. Of course, corporations are important, but they are "legal fictions" that "only" exist in "contemplation of law". They were created to allow a greater economic grasp. Obviously, they are protected by law to allow greater growth within the economy. But, to state they have a freedom to speak, so they can contribiute to political campaigns, is just to long of a stretch, even for a recognized "legal fiction". Certainly, 'incorporated people' can accomplish more than the individual, and hence the advantages of the corporate structure. It certainly more efficient than any individual. But, all those advantages effect economic competition because no individual can compete against a corporation. So, it undermines democratic competition and creates a potential for greed which reflects negatively on a corporation as well as on an individual. Neither corporate greed nor human greed is a positive economic value. Stop the race to the top 1%. Of course, money can be used as a positive economic value that contributes towards democracy. Since, a democratic government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, money must circulate at the bottom and not be hoarded by the bottom nor the top. For a government to allow corporations to contribute money to political campaigns is to allow a misuse of a medium of exchange and to undo democracy at the bottom. If government does not help the circulation of value at the bottom in the form of work, wages, housing, medical care, and other 'people' opportunities,the triad of government will not hold. The top 1% is creating unnecessary fictions and undoing democracy.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.