Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Democracy must be restored to its proper place viz. the bottom of triadic government. A democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. We all say, "everybody knows that", and rightfully so. But if we view government as triadic, we can get a better handle on the 'separate' components of government as set out in the Constitution. If we view the top of the triad as just the "executive branch" and attribute power to it, we make a terrible mistake. Of course, the top has power,as it must,but its not an unencumbered power. Its only a power to govern, not power to do as the Top pleases; a power to govern according to the dictates of the Constitution. The power arises from the democratic bottom.The electoral process grants that power for the duration in office. Think about all the powerless ex-presidents and officials that are out of office. Who listens to them? They may live off the "glow" of previous accomplishments, but they're just ordinary human beings, without power. Some may even be nice human beings. Of course, governing according to the Constitution requires some interpretation and that can be problematic because of Party politics. But, that constitutes the triad; a bottom of millions of individuals who elect a president and other officials including the Judicial, to serve in their official and limited capacities. All that grant of power comes from the bottom. Before and after election, officials are just plain human beings, like you and I. The bottom, in their state of togetherness, is strength. The bottom is number, and the equation called "democracy" must include each and everyone at the bottom. If it's not a government of people, by people, and for the people, its not democracy; its not even government. Its individuals devoid of conscience, playing politics and using the "language game" and the "money game" for their own self-interest. Dictators use physical power,so they're easy to identify whereas politicians use social institutions to 'squeeze' in between real democracy. That's subtle. Its unfortunate that politicians can't see that by dividing into Left and Right, they have opened the door to linguistic deception and the persuit of the holy dollar; all at the expense of real human beings, who have been left without jobs, homes and a real wage; real human beings at the bottom. The accumulation of money at the top 1% deconstructs democracy. Its no wonder the Founding Fathers passed the 1st Amendment and allowed for revolutions.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.