Saturday, August 18, 2012

Certainly, money is essential to an economy because it has exchange value. But,money, per se, is an economic value, not a democratic value. Democratic value is a political value. So why is it that only people with lots of money can run for office. Why is it that the top 1% are hoarding money and trying to get more at the expense of the 99% at the bottom. Why is the 1% defending greed. Something is not right. The economy is out of balance and the first step in trying to balance things is to examine the corporations. You ask, why pick on the corporations? Simply because the corporation is a "legal fiction" and exists only in contemplation of law. Its an artificial economic monster that was created by State government. Each corporation has Articles of Incorporation that were issued by government when it approved the articles giving it the legal right to exist.Since a corporation is not a real person, why not require that the articles be amended and that each one be more responsible to the democracy that allowed them to exist. Do you realize that a corporation can do no wrong. You can't accuse a corporation of commiting a crime. You can only accuse the officers who operate the corporation of commiting a wrong. But, in order to do that you have to "pierce the corporate veil" to get to the officers or owners behind the corporation. That is not easy! A real person can commit a wrong and he will be punished.But, a corporation or a "legal entity" can never be punished. So here you have a "legal fiction" that has been created with an immeasurable economic grasp, who can do no wrong! Where are the controls? And now they have been given the Constitutional right to contribute to political campaigns. That means more money for the people connected to corporate America so they can solidity the fictional existence of the corporation and their so-called Constitutional right to freedom of speech and that is a tremendous contribution to the top 1%. Corporations compete against each other for profits by manipulating the availability of products used by the people.No human being can compete with a monster corporation. The bottom where democracy resides, has been deprived of democratic values like the priviledge to compete, a job, a fair wage, a home, or the right to medical care. Big money is becomimg the new value system and the bottom is at the mercy of the 1%. Look closely at the Constitution. It created a real people government,( check the Preamble) not a government ruled by money and legal fictions. The Constitution and the First Amendment are the only recourse for the bottom. The Constitution provides the underlying structure of triadic government and the First Amendment the right to revolution. We have got to learn how to use that right within the provided structure.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.