Saturday, August 11, 2012

There's an interesting article in Mother Jones by Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery, that states that the holding in Citizens boils down to a holding that, money is speech, corporations are people, and that under the first Amendment, government can't stop corporations from spending money on politics. Wow, this by the Supreme Court of the land. Even a child, after someone explains that a corporation is a fiction, can understand that a corporation isn't real, in the sense that you and I are real. No one has ever seen or spoken to a 'corporate person'. Someone wrote in a comment on a Blog that he or she would believe corporations are persons when they put one in jail. I would believe they are a person when I hear one speak. Has anyone heard a corporation speak? And now, thanks to Citizens,these fictional entities even have a Constitutional freedom of speech. Everyone knows that the law recognizes a corporation as "a legal fiction that exists only in contemplation of law." So, how can a corporation be called a "legal fiction" and a "person" with the same breath? Furthermore, how can it be implied that a corporation speaks? According to the first Amendment, a real person does have a freedom of speech and furthermore under that same Amendment the real people have the right to "peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grieveances".In other words, the people have a right to 'revolution'. The Supreme Court is playing with words. The governmental branch that should be the most objective in its interpretation of the Constitution, is playing politics. If we can't have objectivity from the Judiciary, the triadic structure of government is not going to hold. If the Law is not doing its job, the only option is revolution. Big money, corporations, and many politicians are trying to solidify their position at the top. I think they are going to have to answer to the 99%.I think the 99% are entitled to an answer. If the people don't get an answer by this next administration, the people will have to exercise their Constitutional Right to 'assemble' under the first Amendment.

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