Monday, August 20, 2012

The advantages of viewing the Constitution as triadic government can increase the insights we can have about government. To just view it as a document suggests that one has to read it in order to understand the meaning of the document and the democratic government provided therein. Of course, many scholars, office holders, educated people and, of course, politicians are well versed with the provisions in it. However, the average person on the street, the uneducated, the poor or the underprivileged as well as many educated people are not as familiar as they should be with its provisions. Of course, it has other provisions other than the creation of a triadic government. It has other Articles and Amendments.But, these other provisions do not change or effect the triadic nature of the government it crafted. Perceiving government in a triadic form allows everyone to see how democratic government works and where, in the triad, the essence of democracy is located. The bottom of the triad supports the sides and it supports the top of the triad. The bottom is constituted by millions of living individuals who live day by day under democratic government. Each individual at the bottom is an aspect of the essence of democracy. Thats where we are. The people at the bottom elects someone to the Executive Branch,a political branch,for four years. He or she would not be up there if it were not for the people at the bottom. The sides of the triad is the Judicial branch that has the duty to objectively interpret the relation between the top and the bottom provided for in the Constitution. The Judicial Branch should not be a political branch but, because of Party politics, we all know thats not the case. The top governs the bottom and the sides should insure that the Constitution is adhered too. Simply put, the top should govern the bottom but only if the structure and provisiona of the Constitution are followed. But, the Founding Fathers were not oblivious to the possibility of undemocratic or abusive government. Thats probably why they provided the First Amendment. Part of it states that in a proper case, if all is not right with government,the bottom,i.e.all the people, have a right to "peaceably assemble" and to "petition the government" for "redress of grieviances." That is the only way to protect the bottom in a democracy from a top that usurps its power or a judiciary that is not objective. In other language, that is the Right to revolution. In a government "of people", "by people", and, much more important than the other two,"for the people", the people have the Right to revolution. In triadic government, each individual at the the bottom is real, is concrete, is 'number' and must be included in the equation called "democracy", and if the Top or the sides are not providing it, he and she has the right to correct it ,at the proper time, or to revolution.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.