Friday, August 10, 2012

"Its the economy stupid". We've heard those words from many sources. But, do we really understand what that general formulation is trying to tell us. To focus on the economy in a general way will not suffice, nor will a dismantling of our economic system. Obviously, the economy is vital to our survival in the world. Nevertheless, we must reflect on the constitutive nature of the economy to try to find what may be the problem. Of course, that's a huge job but, we must try to locate its kinks. The begining point has to be that we are a democracy; a democracy that respects the freedom and equality of every breathing individual. All individuals are at the bottom of the triad of government: they form a community of millions. Those who hold office in their respective places of authority are also from the bottom but, were elevated by us to their representative positions. They, of all people, should be at the forefront of any effort to correct the economic problems. All people have value systems and these systems vary but, the systems relate to different views of individual morality, different religious views, life styles,different wishes and desires etc.. Regardless, their differences, personal values relate to the human condition,its strengths and frailties. Some of those values relate to the economy i.e. to work, get paid well, to make money, to own a home, have sufficient food and necessities. There are many more economic needs that are essential to a 'people' who live in a condition of togetherness or community. NOW, ask yourself, what is the value system of an economic corporation? Its considered a "legal fiction that exists only in contemplation of law" Thats the official legal position. It enjoys some of the protections afforded real individuals by the Constitution because of its necessity in the economy. Hey, human beings with jobs, wages, and homes are also necessary. NOW, if the corporation is to be treated as a "person", what is its value system. We all have one and if we step outside it, we can get in trouble. Well, the SOLE purpose, hence value, of the economic corporation is to make a profit. Failing this, it's voluntarily dissolved by its incorporators and given another 'arising' elsewhere under a different name. It has no other reason for existing. In and of itself, making a profit is not bad, but the constant push towards greedy accumulation is. Greed for any purpose is obviously undemocratic. How can a corporation designed only to make a profit be tolerated in a democracy? Of course, it has a place in a democracy but, the purpose for its existence must change. Why, if state governments create corporations i.e. approve articles of incorporation, which gives them their 'arising', can't they also require that they contribute to the welfare of the populace that they depend on to purchase their wares? Certainly, not in terms of money or profits or handouts, but in making efforts to provide more jobs, wages, or less expensive products for those that cannot afford the high quality stuff. Need I add, outsourcing. After all, a corporation is a fiction and an individual is a real live human being. Of course, some will say "thats the governments job". But, if they want to be treated as a 'person', why not assume a few obligations like those of a real person. Corporations should be required to be more democratic and failing this, involuntarilly dissolved. A corporate fiction cannot be more important than a human being. The decision creating corporate 'personhood' may have been necessary,at that time , but we cannot ignore that it also created an 'economic monster'. Governments are necessary, but 'economic monsters' are not.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.