Wednesday, August 22, 2012

There are two huge problems with present democratic government. One is language or the so-called " Linguistic Turn" and the other is money. In a way, neither relates to the actual structure of democratic government. At least, not if government is viewed as triadic, i.e. not if the underlying structure is viewed geometrically as the fundamental structure of a government designed to be functional of, by, and for people as a perpetually functioning triad. The first problem refered too above is that the Constitution is entirely in language. Language requires interpretation. In and of itself,that should not be a problem, but with the way politicians use language and, add to that, the Linguistic Turn,political language, talk, dialogue, is all 'sound and fury' and signifies nothing. Empty,empty, political talk that says 'everything' and 'nothing'at the same time. All the talk, dialogue, about issues are just 'free-floating' signifiers that never sink down to the 'community level' of a real democracy of real people. The war of words is purposely designed to help the candidate to ascend to office. The people at the bottom just look up at the 'war of words' to try to figure out who will ascend to the top. Would it make a difference? Regardless who wins, the implementation of new policies, programs,etc. are never really understood; it will take a book to explain 'the book' and the only thing that trickles down to the bottom are the new 'chains' and limitations on freedom and equality that we must somehow learn about or go to jail. Once in office, a politician perpetuates that position and tries to pass some favorite program or policy to help Party preferrences to ascend. The other problem is money. Money has taken the place of democracy. It used to be that money allowed an individual to live a very confortable life. Now, it has nothing to do with comfort or the economic well-being of the individuals in the Nation as a goal. All the money is at the top and opportunities at the bottom no longer exist. Hoarding of an exchange commodity that was meant to circulate at the bottom should not be allowed to exist. The bottom is the only place where democracy can exist. The government at the top, as such, is not democratic; its triadic but, it should implement Constitutional democracy. The top is not the 'place' for democracy; the top is the position in the triad that should implement democracy in the right 'place', i.e. at the bottom. Democracy exists or it doesn't exist by the determining conditions at the bottom. If the bottom no longer has economic opportunities like, work, fair wages, homes, and medical care, we are not living in a democracy. The top is not doing its job and we are victims of the new value system in the country; the money circulates among the 1% at the top and remains at the top; while the 99% at the bottom are left to grovel as they see fit. The top needs to do its job or the bottom will have to protect itself in the manner allowed by the Constitution, viz. revolution.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.