Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Darwinism may work in the animal kingdom but it doesn't work in the human condition. Human beings may not have complete control of the physical constitution of their inherited characteristics, but they certainly have control over the social and political institutions they have created. To apply Social Darwinism to human institutions is to inject a warring attitude into social and political solidarity. Since social and political institutions require a certain solidarity, the survival of the fittist would necessarilly inject a 'struggle' between individuals in the same group to the point that it would destroy any semblance of solidarity. Thats what happens when 1% struggles to keep all the money at the top at the expense of the social and political solidarity at the bottom. It ruins the foundation of government. What happens to teachers, schools, policemen, proffesionals, the middle class, small business and the poor? They're destroyed. If the bottom of the triad is dismantled, the top will fall. Social Darwinism is a deceptive concept. It doesn't result in the survival of the fittist: the real, true result of Social Darwinism is the survival of the greediest. Money and greed have taken over our human value system; not money to have a confortable, even a great life, but an accumulation of money to just have more than the Other. Its a race after an abstraction. The harm is made worst by 'casino capitalism' which disorganizes the solidarity of social and political instituions. Money was an exchange phenomena, not a cumulative one. Exchange was necessary to facilitate the creation of new social and political institutions. Its very important. Without money we would still be exchanging apples for oranges. Animals may have no choice in the direction of their evolution, but humans have a choice in the construction of social and political institutions. Human greed is the eqivalent of the carrot at the end of the stick. The donkey thinks it has a sense of direction. Having more money than others just means "having more money than others".

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