Monday, September 30, 2013

Party loyalty causes destruction

We have already discussed the almost instinctive need for large groups of people to divide into different sectors of allegiance. In a way ,that's understandable, because there are many ways to perceive and work towards the same goal. However, democracy is a Constitutional construct. There's only one way to be democratic. That's to align triadic government along the lines of its Three Branch structure and to 'move' the alignment so that the Bottom of the structure is always dominant and the support of the entire government. That means, the government "of People" and "by people" is always "for the People". Anything short of this is not democracy and the attempt to sabotage the government structure by a so-called political maneuver that compels the other Party to act or destroy government is the peak of asininity. Surely our politicians are more intelligent than that. But, then to point the finger to the other Party, in such an obvious move, proves that my previous statement can not be true. God help us. There should be a Constitutional enactment that prohibits such political maneuvers; a Law of the land that prohibits political moves that are destructive of democracy. The government doesn't 'serve' the Representatives in office, it serves all the people at the Bottom of Democratic government. That suggested Law should be passed to keep one Party from 'terrorizing' the other Party with a 'shutdown' to the detriment of the People. I assure you, that political move will accentuate the 'stupidity' of the move by that Party. Hopefully, it will lead to the demise of that Party. There should be laws that require all legislation and all policy through a scrutiny that verifies the democratic nature of the policy. There should also be laws requiring all Parties, if any, to follow that 'democratic nature' in its legislation and campaigning. Failing this requirement, political Parties should be banned. They've already demonstrated that they are not concerned with democracy and should not be allowed to exist in a democratic Nation. They're 'political terrorists'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.