Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Political disrespect for the human condition cannot be tolerated

Political disrespect for the human condition cannot be tolerated. Certainly, the use of chemical weapons to kill women and children cannot be tolerated. Governments are established to protect and help the people who constitute their particular Nation. If the only manner of handling dissent or opposition is to use chemical weapons against innocents, women, and children, that government does not serve the human condition. That government is erected on the foundation of pure political power; and its an 'isolated' political condition gone wrong. Political opposition should be an ideological contest among competing theories of government for the privilege of governing. All governments should be concerned with helping the people. Of course, all political systems, even National ones, divide into Parties and adopt different ideologies. But, instead of attempting to consolidate the different views into a 'political arrangement' that helps organize into a better society, they divide into 'opposing' political Parties. True, the opposition between Parties is sometimes vicious. The Party mentality kicks in and before long the Parties become opponents instead of partners looking for a better and improved way of helping its people to become stronger. Where do these 'Leaders' go wrong? The search or struggle to establish helpful and efficient political institutions is immediately squelched and replaced by a search or struggle for brute political power. In some cases, that Political power becomes a 'highway' to getting more and more money and to further consolidate their positions; such as in Capitalism. These latter political maneuvers are not as 'bad' as the pure, unadulterated exercise of political power by 'gassing' women and children. Sure capitalism has substituted a different value system(money) in the place of a democratic value system,(which is based on the freedom and equality of the human being)but, that does not destroy the human condition, which should be the basis of all political systems. Democracy is founded on Humanity.

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