Wednesday, September 18, 2013

the term "political science" is an oxymoron.

"Politics" is not science and science is not politics. Although the two categories get easily mixed and equally confused, the subject matter of each is different. Politics deals with National, State and International issues, of government, while science attempts to get to the bottom of 'reality' by means of 'quantifiable disciplines'. Politics deals with 'large' entities( Nations ) and 'large' arrangements of political Freedom and Equality. Science also deals with large 'materials', but they are descriptive of 'reality', e.g. Matter, and the 'electro-magnetic' spectrum. Although the electro-magnetic spectrum deals with the 'small' instead of the 'large', nevertheless, the electro-magnetic spectrum is a 'large' enquiry. So how does Politics or 'statesmanship' become a science? The truth is that it can never become a science. Why then is political science taught as a college discipline? One can only guess that it may be an attempt to define real politics as some sort of preferential political arrangement. All Science follows the experimental method, and politics should not be experimental. If there was such a science, every politician would be required to study it. Today, politics does not deal with quantifiable elements, it deals with the manipulation of huge collections of humanity. The underlying moral is that this manipulation should lead to the greatest satisfaction and happiness of each and every human being. Each human being having the capacity and ability to improve his/her life in the direction of the 'good life'. Nothing should interfere with this goal. There is no other reason for living and there is no other reason for politicians to exist. Of course, besides the fact that large segments of humanity plainly need a triadic form of government, but, that triadic form of government could 'quantify' the Bottom to include each and every human being within the polity. In other words, governing should include the Freedom and Equality of each and every individual in the Polity. In this manner, maybe politics could become 'quantifiable' and 'closer' to being a science. An individual does not need a 'politicians', only large collections of humanity need statesmen.

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