Thursday, September 12, 2013

The 'National' is about democracy, the 'International' is about Nations.

The National sphere is about governing people within a National democratic structure. The International sphere is about governing established Nations on the level of International relations with other Nations. The National governs its people; the International or United Nations governs the International sphere constituted of many different Nations. Each Nation is independent and has its own people and its own government. One hopes that every Nation respects its own people. Internationally, one Country cannot and should not, meddle with another Country's internal struggles, unless its a clear violation of the standards set up by International Law. Hence, if Nations kill or destroy the lives of its people by violations of International standards, some response is necessary. Of course, there are always Nations which are engaged in internal revolutions, social unrest, or some kind of abuse of its own peoples. That's expected in a world with different political ideologies and different forms of governing. However, if the deaths of its People are caused by clear violations of International standards ( not National standards) a response must be given on the level of the International sphere. Not to respond to International violations are, of course, different than not responding on a National level. A Nation engulfed in revolution is not in a position to respond Nationally. But, that Nation should not use 'tactics' that are clearly prohibited by International standards of conduct. That creates an International political situation that requires an International response, not a National response. No one in their right mind wants war. But, where are the other Nations? Why are they not effected by this clear use of these prohibited weapons? Is everyone playing it safe? Are they unconcerned with the 'unruly kid on the block'? Civilization and government is about People and when leaders begin to annihilate innocents, women, and children, someone has to do something about it. It won't go away by itself.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.