Monday, September 23, 2013

"Politics" must become more democratic and less economic.

The economy is very important to any Nation. However, it should not be the driving force of a democratic government. Plutocracy is driven by economic value systems and consequential class distinctions resulting therefrom. The basis of Plutocracy is a government of the rich. The basis of democracy is a government "of People", "by people", and "for People". The "for People" is the most important distinction between democracy and other forms of government. These other forms of government are also "of People" and "by People". The individuals in power are also "people", but there is no concern for the Other in their concept of government. Those forms of government are selfish and the 'condition of togetherness' is used to advantage, usually economic advantage. The Top lives in Palaces and the People live on the streets. Whereas, a democratic form of government should be "for the People". But, look around; politicians, even in democratic forms of government, are just as 'abusive' of the welfare of the People, as the autocratic forms. What happened? Has the human condition deteriorated into some sort of race to accumulate more and more money or is politics just becoming the place to strive for, if one wants to get rich. Can you believe it? The most noble of endeavors, to serve your Country, has become a stepping stone to riches. Soldiers also serve their Country! Are they getting rich or do they just get a "thank you for your service". The value system of democracy has been contaminated by the value system of the economy. We all have been infected with the disease of "more and more". How sad. What can we do? Can we become more "human"? Is there such a thing? Of course, not. We don't become more human, we just stop thinking only of our own selves. That's what politics is about; its not about ones' self, its about, "for the People". Politics is truly a noble endeavor, but we need more 'statesmen' and less politicians.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.