Monday, September 16, 2013

The relation between the Top and the Bottom gets distortrd.

The basic political relation between the Top and the Bottom gets very easily convoluted, distorted and re-arranged. Sometimes its easy to see that the Top of any government does not really understand what the hell it's doing. In democratic Nations, the Top mistakes an 'economic value' for a 'political value'. In Autocratic nations, its always a contest between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' and, add to that, the fact that they have little or no respect for the human condition. In either case, they are sadly mistaken about the 'Peoples grant' of political power. Of course, in Autocratic Nations there was a 'taking' of power, not a grant. Nevertheless, neither case is sensitive to the fact that they (The Top) were not 'born' into their political office. The old Divine Right of Kings was purportedly 'born' into Kingship. To be sure, they were wrong, but at least they acknowledged the 'supposed' connection. Today, neither Party acknowledges that it is becoming too dependent on an economic value system that deals with 'money' as a medium of exchange. Economic values are rapidly replacing democratic values that should 'govern' and motivate political decisions. Look at the platforms propounded by the opposing Parties. One Party says, " do away with Social Security; the other Party says; keep and improve Social Security". Yet, both Parties ask for 'contributions' from the people to 'run' their elections and carry out their platforms. Why? Doesn't this 'divide' the People or the Bottom, into the haves and have nots? If the top 1% or, to give them the benefit of the doubt, the top 5%, of the population, 'hold' most of the 'medium of exchange',( sometimes tax free and most of the time, by corporations which are not 'human beings'), isn't the election already lopsided? Why should "winning the election" mean, "having a lot of money"? Why can't "winning the election" mean "s/he has the best democratic(people) platform"? I'll tell you why!, because we have become 'overcome' by an economic principle instead of a democratic principle. 'Long live the 'King''.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.